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The Cloud Platform for Microservices & SOA Development

Zeusfyi orchestrates cloud infrastructure provisioning, app deployment, and configuration and unifies multi-cloud, multi-cluster Kubernetes environments so your microservices and x-org teams can run on autopilot.


We cover all the essentials needed for rapidly building a scalable tech startup

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Why Choose Zeusfyi?

The only developer platform that solves the hard problems for you


Tame Ecosystem Complexity

Our technology tracks and orchestrates every piece of infrastructure

We turned the messy unstructured world of infrastructure into a relational one that is stored in a database so you can easily setup multi-tenancy and make changes safely

Smart Budgeting

Manage resources and costs across every cloud vendor in one place

Cost Based Budgeting

Search Across Vendors for Best Cost, Best Performance, Best Fit

Team, App, or Schedule Based Allocation

Image by Mika Baumeister
Purple Portrait

Easy To Build
Easy To Maintain

Designed to unify configuration across multiple platforms and formats such as NVMe setups. Works with, or as a replacement for existing technologies like GitOps, Terraform, Helm

Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud Security

Cloud Storage

Cloud Networking

How It Works

Self-Service + Assisted

Cloud Automation Platform 

Our all-in-one solution turns multiple cloud vendors into a single unified cloud. Need help with designing a solution? We have you covered

Coming Q4

Streamlined Kubernetes

Faster Deployments

Integrated DevOps

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Multi Industry Engineering


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